News | Useful Tips & Insights on Electric Heating

Are Heat Pumps the Future of Heating?

Making small changes towards an eco-conscious lifestyle is something most of us are in the habit of. Whether it’s remembering a reusable coffee cup when popping to your favourite cafe, cutting back on meat and dairy consumption, or simply walking that 20-minute commute. However, in the wake of COP26 and the sharp rise in gas bills many households saw during October, you may be looking to make a firmer commitment to a greener future by changing the way you heat your home. One carbon-conscious heating solution that helps to both reduce pollution and energy consumption may sound too good to be true, but for the right household, a heat pump could be the answer.

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Nearly half of UK employees are considering ditching home-working due to increased energy bills

With Covid cases still high across the country, choosing whether to work from home or go back to the office won’t be an easy decision this winter. However, due to the current energy price hike, it appears many UK employees are now looking to return to the workplace amid concerns around the rising cost of working from home. We surveyed UK employees who have worked from home in some capacity due to the pandemic, to find out if and how the current energy crisis has impacted their choice of working location, and what measures they are taking to save energy and money this winter. Here’s what we found out.

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Introducing The Ecostrad Cube & Scala Electric Towel Rails

Frosty temperatures in the bathroom are something we’re all too familiar with. Cold towels, condensation on the mirror and that biting chill after stepping out of a warm, relaxing soak – all bathroom features we’d rather avoid! So, what’s the best way to combat those pesky post-shower shivers? The short answer? Heated towel rails. Leading UK manufacturer Ecostrad have developed two cutting-edge electric heaters, the Cube and the Scala. Built to dry your towels and deliver comfortable, lasting warmth, these designer towel rails are guaranteed to transform your bathroom (or kitchen!) into a toasty spot. So, let’s take a closer look at what these heaters have to offer and help you decide which one best suits your property.

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Can you install an electric radiator in your bathroom?

Electric heating can be used in a range of spaces, from your living room to your kitchen and even your bedroom – but can you install an electric radiator in your bathroom? The short answer is yes, but there’s a lot more to consider when it comes to this question. Factors such as radiator type, bathroom zones and IP ratings all come into play, which is why we’re delving deeper into this topic, to help you better understand the rules for bathroom heating.

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What are the Benefits of Infrared Heating?

Infrared is one of the most efficient heating solutions on the market, effective in providing unmatched warmth for your property whilst conveniently trimming down on your heating bills. Whether you’re looking for a stylish heating solution for late-night garden gatherings, powerful industrial grade heating for commercial settings, or a smaller, modern radiant panel to match your homes interior design scheme, there’s an infrared system for every requirement. With various styles and features available, and some even boasting innovative built-in smart control, let’s take a look at a few more of the benefits.

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The Best Oil-Filled Radiators

Looking for a new and efficient way to heat your property? Look no further than oil-filled electric radiators. Boasting designer aesthetics, smart controllability and heat-retentive properties, these heaters are a premium solution for any home. With so many different options on the market, the question is, which one should you choose? Well, we’ve got you covered with our complete rundown of the best oil-filled radiators available.   

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Best Space Saving Electric Radiators

Looking for an unobtrusive way to heat your home? With our range of slimline electric radiators, maximising the space in your property has never been easier. Whether you’re after a vertical electric radiator for a narrow wall, or a compact horizontal heater for your box room, there are plenty of options to choose from. So, let’s take a look at some of the best electric radiators that won’t eat up space in your property.

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What are the benefits of WiFi controlled electric radiators?

In 2021, it’s no surprise that WiFi controlled electric radiators continue to take the heating industry by storm. Sophisticated features like app and voice control mean you no longer have to rely on manual adjustment to control your heater – instead, you can adjust warmth from the palm of your hand, any place, any time. So, let’s take a closer look at these tech-savvy heaters and see exactly what advantages they have to offer. 

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Ecostrad iQ Ceramic Review - Meet Our Bestseller

This week, I decided to take a step back from my usual writing duties to review our bestselling electric radiator – the Ecostrad iQ Ceramic. Boasting modern smart capabilities, such as cutting-edge WiFi control, this heater promised to be nothing short of a modern marvel when it came to electric heating solutions. To familiarise myself with this electric radiator, I spent Monday to Friday testing out its many features in various rooms of the office. Were the smart functions as clever as they sounded? Did the electric radiator provide long-lasting warmth? I answer all these questions and more in this in-depth review of the innovative iQ Ceramic.

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The Best Electric Radiators UK for 2021

Is your electric heating system due for an upgrade? Or have you finally pledged to switch from gas central heating but you’re unsure where to start? We’re giving you a rundown of the best electric radiators for 2021. There’s a range of products to choose from, each boasting unique designs and smart features, varying from budget-friendly options to appliances worth spending a little more on. Despite the masses that are on the market today, we’ve managed to narrow it down to the top three electric radiators that we have to offer.

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