News | Useful Tips & Insights on Electric Heating

How Smart Electric Radiators Keep Heating Bills Low

Smart electric radiators help you save money by using a range of intelligent energy saving features, giving you more ways to trim down your heating bills than ever before. If you’ve been considering upgrading your electric radiators, now is a great time to join the smart revolution and enjoy all of the benefits a modern heating system has to offer. For anyone unfamiliar with smart electric radiators, we’re going to look at some of the best features they provide and how they can keep your running costs to a bare minimum.

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How to install a vertical electric radiator

Vertical electric radiators certainly look out of the ordinary but they aren’t actually all that different from their horizontal cousins. That’s even true when it comes to installing them. Fitting a vertical radiator is fairly simple process but there are some things to keep in mind before you get started. If you’ve just ordered your vertical electric radiator and are eager to get it up on the wall, this blog is going to point you in the right direction.

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Why You Need to Buy an Electric Heater with an Accurate Thermostat

When buying a new heater there are several things you might consider before making a purchase. Does it have smart control? What are the programming capabilities? Perhaps you’re even thinking about the efficiency an appliance has to offer. These are all very valid questions, but one thing you should also be considering is whether or not the heater comes with a precise thermostat. There are a number of reasons why one will benefit your heating system, which is why we’re going to show you exactly why you need to buy an electric heater with an accurate thermostat. 

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Do Electric Radiators Need Their Own Circuit?

If you’re fitting multiple electric radiators, you should ideally give them their own circuit to avoid overloading the mains of your property further down the line. This might be obvious to some who already have electrical knowledge or experience, but if you’re new to this type of heating, you might be wondering what fitting is best or even why you can’t just plug them in every room. In this article, we’re going to look at the benefits of going for a dedicated circuit, whether or not you can wire heaters into the ring main and why sometimes a plug-in fitting isn’t the best option.

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How Do Electric Heaters Work? A Crash Course

How many of us can say that they know exactly how the tech in our home works? The inner workings of our computers, smartphones and even our heating systems often remain a blissful mystery, and unless something goes wrong, we rarely have reason to look inside. But if you’re the curious type, you might be wondering ‘how do electric heaters actually work?’. Well, in short electric heaters work by using a length of resistive wire that heats up as electrons pass through the metal. It sounds complicated but, as we’re about to explain, it’s actually very simple.

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Best Electric Heaters for Large Rooms

Trying to keep a large room warm can sometimes feel like an impossible task and no matter how hard you try, somehow the heat never goes where it’s needed. Maybe you’re trying to heat a high-ceilinged Victorian property and none of the warmth is staying near the floor, or perhaps you’re living in an open-plan home where the heat quickly drifts to other areas. Whatever type of spacious interior you need to heat, we can help. There are lots of products that effectively heat large rooms – all you need to know is which ones do it best and which ones you should avoid.

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Smart Electric Heating – What are the Options?

Whether it’s our smartphones or virtual assistants, most of us are familiar with some form of intelligent control, but when it comes to our heating, what exactly are the options available? Many modern heaters come with a range of smart controls, from Bluetooth to WiFi. To help you find the best solution for your home, we’ve put together a list of the different smart electric heating options, showing how each one will benefit you.

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What Does Smart Heating Mean? A Comprehensive Guide

The word ‘smart’ gets used a lot these days even through it represents a broad spectrum of features that covers everything from app control to home automation. In fact, it’s used so liberally that it can often leave people wondering just how intelligent these products really are – especially when it comes to heating systems where efficiency really counts. In a nutshell, smart heating is able to communicate with other devices in your home (e.g., your smartphone) to provide an easier way to interact with your system, and usually offers automatic features that do the hard work on your behalf. So, if you’re wondering ‘is it for me?’ or ‘will it help me to save energy?’ we’re going to show you all the ways smart heating can benefit your household.

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What is the Most Efficient Form of Electric Heating?

The most efficient and cost-effective heating system is always going to be the one that offers some degree of radiant heat. It lasts for much longer compared to convection, isn’t affected by air movement and helps us feel cosy, but how does it actually work and which heating systems provide the most radiant heat? We take a look at two of the most energy-efficient ways to heat your property, as well as what features you should look for to keep your running costs as low as possible.

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