News | Useful Tips & Insights on Electric Heating

What are the best oil filled radiators 2024?

Looking for a new and efficient way to heat your property? Look no further than our oil filled radiators. Boasting designer aesthetics, smart controllability and heat-retentive properties, these radiators are a premium solution for any home. With so many different options on the market, the question is, which one should you choose? Well, we’ve got you covered with our complete rundown of the best oil filled radiators of 2024.

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What percentage of your salary goes towards your energy bills?

With the recent drop in the energy price cap from 1st April, British households are finally beginning to see a welcome decrease in their energy bills. The reduction – a significant 12% – and the recent National Insurance drop to 8% brings potential savings for families across the nation, promising a lighter burden on monthly budgets. 


However, as energy prices continue to ebb and flow across the UK, the question arises: where exactly are households feeling the greatest squeeze? To shed light on this, our latest study unveils the reality of energy expenditure across various UK regions. As we take a closer look at the data, uncovering which regions are allocating the highest proportions of their earnings to gas and electric bills, we paint a clearer picture of the differences in energy affordability throughout the country. 

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What are the best electric panel heaters 2024?

If you want responsive, on-demand warmth for your home, look no further than electric panel heaters. While they may look similar to electric radiators, panel heaters differ by being all about those lightning-quick results. Designed for occasional use when the temperature needs topping up, panel heaters are the ideal solution for when your home’s primary heat source just won’t cut it. What should you be looking for when choosing an electric panel heater? Well, we’ve removed the guesswork and picked out our favourites for 2024.

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What are the best infrared heating panels 2024?

You’ll find infrared panels in more homes and businesses than ever now that electric heating has firmly settled itself into the mainstream. It’s not hard to see why: they’re efficient, cost-effective, and most are DIY-friendly straight out of the box. Not to mention, their use of radiant heat to deliver superior all-day warmth. You’ll recognise infrared panels by their distinct square, slimline builds – but despite their similar appearances, they don’t come as a one-size-fits-all solution. Across multiple sizes, mounting options and programming possibilities, our range of infrared panels is extensive, which is why we’ve already weighed up the options to give you the very best for 2024.

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What are the best electric patio heaters 2024?

If you live in the UK or Ireland, you’ll be no stranger to unpredictable changes in weather. One minute, the sun will be shining and the thought of an impromptu garden party sounds appealing. Next minute, the biting chill has set in, and you quickly realise that an outdoor gathering just won’t do. The solution, however, is a simple one – invest in an effective electric patio heater that combats the cold. Providing robust radiant warmth, these heaters are a sure-fired way to keep your domestic or commercial exterior toasty, whatever the weather. We’ll be taking a look at the best patio heaters of 2024, to help you find an appliance that best suits your patio area.

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What are the best electric towel rails 2024?

Towel rails that simply turn on and off are a thing of the past, thanks to the power of electric. With modern innovation, you can now own a bathroom heater with sophisticated digital programming all the way to smart control, for an experience designed to fit around you. A wealth of energy-saving features and traditional and designer builds means there’s so much more to consider when choosing a towel rail. Luckily, we’ve carefully combed through our extensive range to give you the very best to choose from. So, let’s check out our picks for our favourite electric towel rails of 2024.

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What are the best electric radiators 2024?

There are more reasons than ever to make the switch to electric heating in 2024. Perhaps you’re looking to save money on your heating bills, live a greener lifestyle, or simply wish to upgrade your old-fashioned central heating to a modern alternative. Whatever it is, we’re here to break down our extensive range to give you the definitive list of the best electric radiators on the market. Whether you want to take advantage of smart heating, complement interiors with a designer model or are just looking for absolute efficiency, we’ve got you covered.

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What are the best portable radiators 2024?

If your home heating system just isn’t cutting it, portable radiators are the answer. Whether you're dealing with a particularly chilly space or trying to stay cosy without heating the entire house, these electric radiators adapt seamlessly to your needs. From dry thermal to oil-filled technology, straightforward dial control to cutting-edge motion detection, we’ve got something to suit every preference. So, let’s dive in to our top 5 recommendations for 2024!

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Heated Debates: New Survey Uncovers Brits' Battles Over the Thermostat

As the winter chill tightens its grip, households across the UK continue to crank up their heating to stay toasty. However, it's not all smooth sailing! Navigating issues such as heating costs and temperature regulation can certainly spark debate. Our new survey delves into the heated arguments that stem from warming up your home, exposing the thermostat wars that can unfold behind closed doors. 

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German electric radiators: a deep dive

German electric radiators stand out as being a cut above the rest – superbly manufactured, highly efficient and packed full of features designed to save energy. Adaptable and built to last, they’re the perfect choice for a wide range of spaces, so if you’re weighing up your options and wondering what exactly sets them apart, you’re in the right place. Read on for everything you need to know about German electric radiators.

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