News | Useful Tips & Insights on Electric Heating

How Do Wall Panel Heaters Work and Where Can I Use Them?

As we are nearing the end of summer, you might be thinking about the struggle that comes with getting out of bed on a cold morning. With the sun beating down on us, autumn and winter seem to be a far-off concept, but those freezing temperatures are right around the corner. So, be prepared, make your life easier and consider installing the best kind of heating for your home or workplace.

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Aluminium Radiators Vs Steel Radiators

These days, you can hunt down a heating system made from just about anything – from steel to wood and most things in between. While the composition of your radiators might not be the first thing on your mind when choosing a heating system, different materials have different properties that might benefit your heating habits. In recent years, aluminium radiators have emerged on the scene, offering a responsive and lightweight substitute to steel. If you’re in the market for a new heating system, why not consider the aluminium alternatives and jump on the latest heating trend…

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The Smart Electric Heater: Appliances That Do More

In today’s world, connectivity is everything. Amid the furious pace of modern life, our homes, and the technology within them, is becoming quicker, more intelligent, and more accessible. In 21st century dwellings, absolutely everything, from lighting to security systems, can be controlled with the swipe of your finger and the same now applies to your heating. The days of traipsing from room to room and individually tweaking each heater in your system have well and truly gone. Instead, you can enjoy responsive temperature control from the palm of your hand. Whether you’re looking to join the smart home revolution or simply long for convenient control, look no further than a smart electric heating system…

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The 2025 Gas Boiler Ban: The Rise of Electric Heating

In recent months, the government announced a new plan to phase out gas powered central heating, forcing new homes to use alternative means of keeping warm. The Committee on Climate Change say that by 2025 at the latest, no new properties will be connected to the gas grid – allowing developers to choose from a range of energy-efficient, eco-conscious heating systems. In the wake of this exciting news, what heating alternatives are there to choose from? Luckily for you, we anticipated this development years ago and we’ve been honing our product range ever since, offering the latest, most energy-efficient, non-gas-powered heating systems on the market. In light of this, the run up to 2025 can be considered the rise of electric heating as the UK takes greater steps to cement its place in a greener, more environmentally secure future...

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Vertical Electric Radiators - Slim and Stylish Solutions

Furnishing your home with electric radiators is an effective way to heat your rooms but choosing an electric heating system doesn’t have to mean settling for a simplistic and unattractive storage heater! One way to make a bold statement through your heating system is with a vertical electric radiator – space-saving, slimline and attractive, vertical radiators are an ideal way to make the most of a smaller property, utilise wall space and create an interior feature. With a wide range of slimline electric radiators to choose from, we’ve picked our favourites to help you find the perfect vertical radiator to suit your personal style.

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Top 5 activities to do on Bonfire Night

As a one-night-only event, the evening of November 5th is always jam packed with festivities and, with so many options to choose from, it’s definitely worth planning your ideal Bonfire Night to ensure you don’t miss out on any festive fun. Whether you’d prefer to enjoy a bonfire in the park, watch fireworks from your window or host a garden party under the warmth of a patio heater, Bonfire Night is a fun celebration we can all enjoy so here are our top five Bonfire Night activities.

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The Electric Radiator Style Guide

Traditionally, heating systems have not been an aesthetic choice for our homes. In the past, central heating radiators have been disguised with fancy wooden covers, painted, or hidden away in an attempt to lessen their visual burden. In recent years however, everything in our homes seems to be manufactured with style in mind – including our heating systems. The electric radiator, free from the shackles of plumbing, can be styled in almost any way – featuring bold colours, unique shapes, and eye-catching designs. For the truly style-conscious home, there’s an electric radiator to suit every space…

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Three Benefits of an Oil Filled Radiator

Last updated: May 2024

What comes to mind when you think of an oil filled radiator? Is it a faithful, portable standby when your central heating breaks down? Perhaps a sleek and stylish wall mounted solution with the very latest technology? Oil filled electric radiators encompass a wide range of styles, but they all have one thing in common: they’re popular, sought-after solutions for home heating. There’s a reason why they’re among the most widely purchased electric heaters, so if you’re not sure what they can do for you, here are the three main benefits of oil filled electric radiators.

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