News | Useful Tips & Insights on Electric Heating

Electrical Energy For A Sustainable Future

We’re always telling you that electrical energy is going to power the future. But what does that really mean? Is it inevitable? Will it be true for everyone, everywhere, regardless of country, climate or economy? And how soon? 200 years? 2 decades? Tomorrow? Read more to find out how electricity is an integral part of the move towards a 100% renewable energy economy.

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How Economical Is Solar Power?

Solar power is a renewable resource with the potential to transform the world energy market. But with journalists and politicians everywhere debating the economic viability of solar power, it can be difficult to know who to believe. Are we being misled by idealistic eco-warriors determined to go green no matter the cost? Or have we been hoodwinked into eco-scepticism by energy tycoons with a vested interest in our continued reliance on fossil fuels? Who can we believe? Who is right and who is wrong – and why is it so difficult for us to reach a consensus on what, you might think, should be a purely scientific question?

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What is Fracking?

Shale gas, hydraulic fracturing, natural gas extraction, onshore unconventional oil and gas, fracking… If you follow the news at all, you’re sure to have come across these terms in abundance – but what are they talking about? Are they all different names for the same process? If so, what is that process? And why is it so controversial?

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Norwegian Green Energy Comes to Britain

The National Grid have revealed plans for a subsea electricity cable which would connect the two countries’ electricity markets, allowing green Norwegian electricity to power millions of UK homes. The €2 billion project will increase the UK’s supply of green energy whilst breaking the world record for the longest subsea electric connector. The project, due for completion in 2021, is set to provide 14% of the UK's yearly electricity consumption - bringing the country cheaper and more sustainable electricity.

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Landlords: warm your way to better energy efficiency

Are you one of those landlords who begrudgingly pays the bills offering an 'all inclusive' rent package to your tenants? Perhaps you choose to do that because you thought it would save you money in the long run and make life easier for whoever lives there, but what happens when it doesn't go to plan? You're stuck with huge energy bills throughout the year with barely any control. You probably haven't thought about alternative electric heating solutions, but the truth is they could save you a bundle...

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Property developers: Is wall mounted electric heating for you?

Are you a property developer who's busy renovating their next investment? Perhaps you already own several properties and are looking to overhaul one of them for a new tenancy. Either way, there are a number of heating options to choose from that promise good returns on investment, but how do you know which one is right for you? Electric wall mounted heating is most certainly the future, but here are a few questions you should be asking yourself if you're not sure about it all...

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Property developers, want to fit your own electric radiators?

One of the greatest things about electric radiators is how quickly and easily they can be installed and up and running for your tenants. If you're developing a property and need a quick, energy efficient solution to heating it, you simply can't get better than a designer electric radiator. Here's a quick guide on how to fit them, without the need for electricians, builders or expensive contractors!

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The perfect heating solution for property developers is here

The perfect heating solution for property developers has arrived. Easy to install, easy to operate, low maintenance and 100% environmentally friendly. A few years ago this might have seemed too good to be true, and it probably was, but with wall mounted electric radiators constantly improving in their design and function, there's never been a better solution for experienced property developers looking for an affordable and efficient way of heating their buildings.

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4 surprising benefits of wall-mounted electric radiators for property developers

If you're a property developer then you'll be used to the whirlwind of decisions that need making to make a successful renovation come together. From electrics and appliances through to security and insulation, there's a ridiculous amount to consider. One of the real headaches for property developers, especially those with properties in flats, is how to heat the place. Wall-mounted electric radiators are an obvious choice when a gas central heating is just too much upheaval, but they may have more going for them than you might think. Here are 4 incredible benefits of installing wall-mounted electric radiators in your property...

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The perfect heating solution for renovating flats

If you're about to renovate a flat block or housing development, then one of the main considerations likely to have crossed your mind is how they're going to be heated. The wrong heating solution can be a deal breaker for prospective landlords and tenants, and give than you're spending so much money and time on the property, you want to make sure that it's future-proofed when it comes to things as basic as heating and insulation. So what's the best course of action?

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