Smartphones, smart TVs, and now 'smart heating'...

If someone said 'infrared heating' to you a few years ago, you probably would have thought about patio heaters - those long, glowing elements covered in metal wire, blasting out heat to keep beer gardens warm on those chilly summer nights. In truth, infrared heating has now come into the home in a big way, and it's got more than a few tricks up its sleeve to help you cut down your energy usage, save money, and even stay healthy. 


Energy efficient heating is quickly becoming the number one goal for households up and down the country. With energy bills in constant state of unpredictability, people are now turning to newer and cheaper ways of heating their home. Afterall, the more energy you save, the more money you save, right? But what is it about infrared that can help you achieve this?


Far infrared technology is a new breed of infrared heating, one that focuses on keeping homes and commercial areas pleasantly warm behind the scenes. The most common occurence of far infrared heating, and the most popular choice by far, are far infrared heating panels. What makes them special? Here are just a few advantages of the new infrared 'smart heating' that's available... 


It's a different kind of warmth

You've never experienced heating in your home like this. Infrared heating works the same way as our sun, sending rays out into your room to warm the objects and people within it, instead of the air around it. With traditional home heating systems, the only types of heat on offer were convection or fan-assisted. Fan-assisted went out of fashion long ago; it's dusty, dirty, noisy and pushes dry, warm air around the room in order to heat it up. Convection is still very common, and forms the core of just about all gas powered central heating systems; but convection heat isn't reliable, leaves cold spots, and will warm your head while your feet carry on freezing for a while. 


Infrared heating doesn't work like that. It doesn't heat air, so there's no dry air being pushed around the room. It warms you directly, and the objects in your room as well as your walls and floors. Why is this good? Well, you get an even, consistent heat throughout your home. That means that your feet warm up at exactly the same rate as your hands, and it also means there are no cold spots left anywhere - so it's a natural guard against mould build up.


It can blend in as a feature of your home

Infrared panel heaters don't sound like they'd look particularly pleasant do they? Where you put a panel?


In fact, you can get very creative with how infrared heating panels are installed in your home, and for some it's the primary reason for choosing them. You can disguise your bathroom panel as a mirror for example, or the one in your front room as a long painting over the fire place. You might even chose to paint patterns on them and pop them on the wall for a nice decorative touch. The options are endless, and you'll most certainly have a talking point when friends pay a visit - they'll probably notice right away that your home is snug and warm, yet there's no radiator in sight!




Eco Stores Direct are here to bring you the very latest in energy news, views and opinions from across the UK. They are also suppliers of energy efficient electric heating solutions and are constantly assessing the market for the best products and the latest ground-breaking technology which they think will make a real difference to their customer's homes. Eco Stores Direct are devoted to helping you reduce your carbon footprint and bring down your energy bills and they work hard to raise awareness of energy efficient products that can make all the difference. If you're interested in economy radiators or infrared panel heaters, call Electric Radiators Direct today on 0330 300 4444 for a free assessment. 
