Tagged with 'RCwave'

What are The Best Electric Radiators?

In a perfect world, there would be one type of radiators that are clearly better than any other, and we would all use them. Unfortunately, there is no such radiator, and we have to trust our instincts and other people’s reviews to find the best solution for our homes. However, even though there is ultimately no best radiator on the market, here at Electric Radiators Direct you can trust us when we say that there is one electric radiator that truly leaves the competition behind: The RC Wave Designer Electric Radiator by Haverland!

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Why Choose Electric Heating?

At Electric Radiators Direct, we truly believe that electric heating is the future. Our parents and grandparents might remember the days when electric heating was an expensive alternative to central gas heating, which might’ve been true at the time. Nowadays, electric radiators leave their competition behind when it comes to programmability, instalment and freedom of choice. So, what makes us believe that making a transition to electricity will be your best decision?

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Why is Electric Heating Better for Senior Citizens?

Winter can be a lovely time. All the snowball fights, decorations, festivals, snowman building with friends and of course our beloved Christmas. But it can also be a dangerous season. We are either the ones constantly nagging about or dismissing the idea of dressing up warmly before going outside. Although it is true that British winter is not as harsh as it is towards east, for example in Germany, it shouldn’t be taken lightly, yet most of us still assume the worst case scenario is getting a cold. However, the actual risk to our health posed by the cold is much more serious.

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Introducing Our new RCE Electric Radiator

An attractive addition to any interior environment, Haverland RCE electric radiators are suitable for use in social housing, student accommodation, health care, hotels and domestic homes.

In the world of electric heating Haverland has a reputation for delivering innovative products in a smart, contemporary package made of 100% recycled aluminium. But what makes the Haverland RCE eligible to join the elite?  

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RCWave Reviews: Our Best-Selling Electric Radiators

Our customers have left many honest and insightful reviews about our products, an invaluable tool for potential customers comparing our electric heating products to others on the market. The RCWave, our best-selling product, has received over 100 reviews this year alone, providing an excellent overview of the product and its features. Our customers’ comments – in the main positive, occasionally critical, and at times at odds with each other – can help you decide whether the RCWave is right for your lifestyle and tastes.

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