Tagged with 'Pensioners'

Why is Electric Heating Better for Senior Citizens?

Winter can be a lovely time. All the snowball fights, decorations, festivals, snowman building with friends and of course our beloved Christmas. But it can also be a dangerous season. We are either the ones constantly nagging about or dismissing the idea of dressing up warmly before going outside. Although it is true that British winter is not as harsh as it is towards east, for example in Germany, it shouldn’t be taken lightly, yet most of us still assume the worst case scenario is getting a cold. However, the actual risk to our health posed by the cold is much more serious.

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Keeping Warm This Winter: Tips for Senior Citizens

Winter is bad for your health. Underlying all the snowball fights, festive celebrations, bright lights and cuddly scarves remains the fact that cold weather can seriously endanger your health – and for no one else is this threat a graver reality than for the retired and elderly. It’s important to respect the cold, respect your body, and make sure you keep yourself warm this winter. Unfortunately, for many of us, keeping warm comes at a considerable financial cost. This is especially true for retired senior citizens who spend much more time at home than younger people in full time work. Keeping warm at winter should be a priority – but it’s increasingly necessary to economise and find ways to maintain comfort temperatures on a budget. Here’s our guide to affordable ways for elderly people to stay warm this winter...

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